Thursday, February 3, 2011

a DOZEN steps #1

I haven’t posted for a while. I think the main reason is I met a boy!!! It is VERY exciting=)
My genius therapists recommended I go to the LDS 12 step program. (Yes I am a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints/ I am Mormon) My first meeting was on November 6th, 2010. I have been attending every week since then minus the few weeks I was home in California for Christmas week. I absolutely love it! No one judges me there and the program itself has helped me a lot. As of last week I am on step 4…HOLLER!!!=)

At the last meeting I was at I realized I wouldn’t have the relationship I have with God or the testimony I have without my addictions. Praying for my Heavenly Father’s help each day to not practice eating disorder behaviors is the only way I can overcome my addictions. (Ps today is 131 days without purging!) My Heavenly Father is The ONLY ONE who knows exactly what I am going through. That in itself brings me a lot of comfort. Up until this past year my Heavenly Father has been waiting, and waiting, and waiting on the other side of the door for me to let him in so he can help me overcome my addictions and accomplish everything I want to in life.

<3 OXO